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Sabio Group, a B2B specialist in customer experience, faced underperformance on its website. As a UX Design lead, I took on the challenge to identify pain points, understand user needs, and reshape the customer journey. We transitioned from a product-centric approach to a consultancy-driven model, leading to a 50% increase in leads within six months.

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Improving Sabio’s Customer Experience: From Product-Centric to Consultancy-Driven

A Web UX project for the Customer experience sector.

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As a UX Researcher, Designer, and Workshop Facilitator, my role involved conducting user research, defining problem statements, crafting personas, designing customer journeys, and facilitating workshops to align the team with user-centric solutions.


User Research: Competitor analysis, 1-1 interviews, testing
UX Design: Workshop activities (Affinity mapping, Problem statement, Personas, Customer journey, Card sorting, Sitemap), Low-fidelity wireframe/Prototype
UI Design: UI design, Unmoderated usability testing
Development: WordPress component development


  • Users may struggle with the complexity of Sabio Group's website, leading to confusion and underperformance.

  • Users' perception of Sabio's offerings may not align with the consultancy-driven transformation, affecting lead generation.


  1. Improve user comprehension by simplifying the website's structure, content, and navigation.

  2. Align user perceptions with the business transformation.

  3. Understand if Sabio's brand and proposition is credible.

  4. Test if users understand the website

Key Findings:


50% increase in leads within 6 months


Almost 20% more forms filled in 3 months


Desktop bounce rate reduced from 55% to 39%


25% increase in website traffic in the first month

Problem Statement

As a decision-makers I struggle to understand which CX products I need SO THAT my team's can work better due to website complexity and confusion.

UX Research Insights:


Decoding CX Leadership

Technical professionals seek bespoke solutions

Integration and Omnichannel are paramount

Transparency is key for contracts worth millions


Agent Empowerment

Technical operators desire reliable, pre-built solutions

Interface simplicity and cloud migration are crucial


offerings enhance accessibility




Software engineers prioritise smooth implementation

Automation and integration synergy is crucial

Focus on maintenance costs and implementation journey


Business Development Perspective

Business owners value quick understanding

Transparency and consultancy services are essential

Simplified content for non-technical stakeholders

Identification of Initial Issues

Mistakes Found:

  • Underestimated the complexity of the existing user interface.

  • Initial assumption that content was clear to users.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Conducted additional user interviews to understand confusion points.

  • Refined problem statement and conducted a content audit.

Implementation and  Adjustments:

Mistakes Found:

  • Overlooked potential issues with the initial UI design during usability testing.

  • Initial lack of integration between workshop outcomes and actual website changes.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • Conducted usability testing with a focus on UI design, leading to adjustments.

  • Established a closer feedback loop between workshop outcomes and website implementation, ensuring alignment.

Journey Map


CX team identifies issue

Struggling users, unclear needs. Opportunities: Define clear goals and strategy


Understand changes impact

Uncertainty on customer impact. Opportunities: Clear communication on implications


CX team

defines goals

Lack of automation understanding. Opportunities: Consultancy to simplify processes


Analyse value

vs. budget

Budget concerns,

hidden costs. Opportunities:

Transparent cost analysis


CTO/IT team look

for solutions

Knowledge gap, implementation concerns. Opportunities: Improve buyer journey.




Limited competitor understanding. Opportunities: Informed choices through trials


Analyse current

and future

Lack of clarity on metrics. Opportunities: Data-

driven analysis

for clarity.


Trials or


Unsuccessful trials, unclear benefits. Opportunities: Clear demonstration of advantages




Process flaws, unclear impact. Opportunities: Streamlined workflows for efficiency


Choose best competitor

Sales cycle delays, indecision. Opportunities: Guided selection



Jade Hills
IT Department

Needs: Solutions for innovation.
Pain Points: Gap in knowledge with business stakeholders

Pensive Coffee Time_edited.jpg

Luke Wilson

Needs: Time-efficient understanding.
Pain Points: Time-consuming project assessments.

man 5

James Grange

Needs: Detailed product information.
Pain Points: Difficulty in finding required information.

Man with Checkered Shirt

Grant Johnson

Needs: Seamless integration with existing platforms.
Pain Points: No technical background.

Cognitive Load Reduction

Simplified content for business owners.


Clear CTAs for seamless navigation

Social Proof

Showcasing case studies and testimonials

Scarcity Principle

Highlighting unique features for decision-makers.

Psychology of Design
Principles and Laws

Conclusions and Recommendations

Final Decisions

  1. Shifted from product-centric to consultancy approach.

  2. Redesigned customer journey paths.

  3. Emphasised transparency and clear communication.


  • Three distinct customer journey paths.•    

  • Enhanced website navigation and simplified content.

  • Increased lead generation by 50% in six months.

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© 2025 by Natalia Torres

© 2025 by Natalia Torres

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